
Olympia 1. Teil - Fest der Völker

Year: 1938


Documentary, Sport

Category: Movie

IMDB Rating: 8 (NEVAZUT)

IMDB Link:

Country: Germany


Director: Leni Riefenstahl

Writer: Leni Riefenstahl

Composer: Herbert Windt, Walter Gronostay

Producer: Leni Riefenstahl

Actors: David Albritton, Arvo Askola, Jack Beresford, Erwin Blask, Sulo Bärlund, Ibolya Csák, Glenn Cunningham, Henri de Baillet-Latour, Philip Edwards, Donald Finlay, Tilly Fleischer, Wilhelm Frick, Joseph Goebbels, Hermann Göring, Ernest Harper, Karl Hein, Rudolf Hess, Adolf Hitler, Volmari Iso-Hollo, Cornelius Johnson, Matti Järvinen, Elfriede Kaun, King Umberto II, Kalevi Kotkas, Gustaf Alfons Koutonen, Luise Krüger, Maria Kwasniewska, Theodor Lewald, Luz Long, Spiridon Louis, John Lovelock, Gisela Mauermayer, Earle Meadows, Ralph Metcalfe, Paula Mollenhauer, Väinö Muinonen, Seung-yong Nam, Henri Nannen, Yrjö Nikkanen, Shûhei Nishida, Paavo Nurmi, Dorothy Odam, Martinus Osendarp, Jesse Owens, Leni Riefenstahl, Mack Robinson, Ilmari Salminen, Julius Schaub, Kee-chung Sohn, Julius Streicher, Gerhard Stöck, Naoto Tajima, Erkki Tamila, Kalervo Toivonen, Forrest Towns, Werner von Blomberg, August von Mackensen, Hans von Tschammer und Osten, Hans Woellke, Sueo Ôe

Description: After being commissioned by the 1936 Olympic Committee to create a feature film of the Berlin Olympics, Riefenstahl shot a documentary that celebrates the human body by combining the poetry of bodies in motion with close-ups of athletes in the heat of competition. Includes the marathon, men's diving, and American track star Jesse Owen's sprint races at the 1936 Olympic games. The production tends to glorify the young male body and, some say, expresses the Nazi attitude toward athletic prowess. Includes the lighting of the torch at the stadium and Adolf Hitler looking on in amazement as Jesse Owens wins an unprecedented four Gold Medals.


Duration: 121 minutes (at 29.97 frames per second)

File path: Z:\02895 - Olympia Part 1 Festival of the Nations - Olympia 1 Teil - Fest der Volker (1936) [DVDRip]\Leni Riefenstahl - Olympia Part 1(1936).avi

Filesize: 698 MB

Video: XviD - resolution: 448x320 - quality: 1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die


Subtitles: None